European Parliament

European Parliament

Memorable projects are those that are felt immediately from moment zero, in which everything comes together effortlessly, and the raw energy of inspiration sustains us through sleepless nights.

This was one such project.

Mona Kim and her partners of Program Collective had been invited, out of 200 international teams, to create a proposal for the new visitor center of the European Parliament of Brussels in this shortlisted competition.

Though the aim was to communicate the inner workings of the Parliament, we took it one more step to transform the public perception of the European Parliament through establishing an accessible voice and approach for the center, and creating series of dynamic people-focused public spaces and experiences.

When conceiving a project for a political entity, one can easily resort to a “safe” approach. We chose the irreverent and fearless path: break out of the expected box, dream up a place that could embody/transmit the democratic spirit of Europe and the visionary essence of the Parliament in order to bring politics and decision-making process closer to the people.

The core concept was based on the creation of simple and accessible "language" and"un-conventionally political" public space experiences: Branding to challenge preconceived notions of political organizations.

We did not win. But we are proud of our collective effort, knowing that we would certainly have visited a center that is experienced in this way.